Tom Jones

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My mum loved Tom Jones.

I think it’s nice he and Priscilla still enjoy a close friendship now too, must be helpful for them both to have someone to talk about Elvis and the old days with.

Yes he’s retained a fabulous voice even into old age and I agree collaborating with newer artists kept his appeal fresh.

Thank you for your tribute.

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Yes, they must have many wonderful nostalgia to delight them in conversation. I wish I met and seen Elvis, but he died too soon. I do like like Tom Jones better. But that’s apples and ora. 💖🎶

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EEEEEE it's TOM JONES💖💖💖Oh Charlotte I have been waiting for this one! Thank you for this wonderful tribute to Tom's incredible artistry and animal magnetism... and thank you for telling the Love Story of Artist and Audience💕

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R. H. I’m so happy this one resonates with you — the article itself and the music! What a talented artist! I’m thrilled I worked with him, and knew him. But back then, I took a lot of my unusual life for granted! Love you! 😘😘😘

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I remember when Jones dropped his cover of Prince's 'Kiss' with Art of Noise, and - as I was still in my 'be cool' days - I thought to my myself, "This man is legendary cool!" 😉

Such a great article, Charlotte - love your vivid description of how a show unfolds, 'pre' to the final curtain - really paints the picture.

Thank you for sharing these tales, and your perspectives... ☺️

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Yes! I remember him performing that song at Ballys! With no offense and disrespect towards Prince, I loved watching Tom perform Kiss with his manly, masculine persona. He owned that song. He was like that. A very astute businessman who knew how to add current cover songs to his repertoire. Making himself who is relevant in the content pop cultur.

I love to people watch. That’s the one thing I miss about living in the country. The theater gives us a chance to observe a microcosm of society.

Thank you so much Stone for your amazing support! I’m happy you enjoyed this article! 🤗🤗🤗

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I remember watching television & seeing a microphone on a stand when the announcer would say with the words displayed "This is". Then a hand would grab the mic with the announcer saying "Tom Jones!" Taking the mic off the stand Tom usually opened with "It's Not Unusual." We would be entertained for the next hour.

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Yes I remember those days! Tom Jones understood the arc of a narrative. He knew the beginning of a story was just as important as the end. And what a way to start! Thank you, see so much prof! I greatly appreciate your support by doing a paid subscriber! I’m just getting used to how this all works. I just posted a new magic moments post today for my paid subscribers! Stay magical and beautiful!🪄✨✨💖✨

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