Charlotte, this piece holds so many truths for me. Your writing is always touching, yet this is raw and reaches right to the soul. Your faith and intuition are a strong force of protection for you. Thank you for sharing this. It’s true. Looking back on the past never makes anything better.
Thank you so much Trudi, I appreciate your wonderful support. It wasn’t an easy one to decide to write but once I begin writing it it flowed. Ever since I have listened to my intuition at all times. It was a lesson for me. Looking back on the past certainly doesn’t make that time any better, but it’s through those storms I have become better. Have a beautiful day! ✨💜✨
Thank you Charlotte for have the courage to allow yourself to be so open and vulnerable. That is not easy and very few people are able to do that. I commend you on your recovery journey and the strength you have in continuing to grow and overcome the trauma of your past.
I am a counselor by profession. I am reminded of something I tell my clients. We have to embrace our past experiences in order to live in the present and shape our future.
Lois, I want to thank you so much for your understanding and compassion. Believe it or not, this is the first time I have ever spoken about the incident in public. 14 years! Demi Pietchell and Jacqualine Rendell posted a few inspirational messages, which motivated me to finally tell my story.
The meantime, my ex-husband has been blaming me on Facebook for the past 14 years. Blaming me. Sending you much gratitude. Have a beautiful day!✨💜✨
Bless you for having the courage, sensitivity and skill to share such a moving personal essay Charlotte. Fascinating how words can stir such a visceral indescribable response. Equal parts harrowing and healing, your ability to rise above such formidable challenges is inspiring.
This prose is overwhelming. It paints a mirror of Charlotte’s complex issues she dealt with on a daily basis. I personally could not stop reading the beginning, the middle and the ending, as these impossible life changing roadblocks unfolded. They are compelling, and then if by a miracle, were cured by her inner voice of sanity. I am impressed by Charlotte’s courage to reveal her most inner haunts and secrets. But the end does often justify the means; the end in this case offers faith to those who face similar dilemmas. Bravo!
Gino, coming from you that is one great complement! I really appreciate you taking the time to read and comment on this piece. Those were tough times in my life. It’s nice to be able to fly again but and in a brand new exciting new direction. Through the struggle then definitely justify the means. My faith in God has been solidified. Sending you much gratitude, happiness and love and I hope when I’m in Vegas next we can all get together! Have a beautiful weekend and stay magical my friend! 🤗💖✨💖
I have an interesting article here Charlotte : What is the Spiritual Nomad? By Lisa Renee
Some questions to help define The Spiritual Nomad:
Are you currently jobless, juggling jobs, possibly homeless and relationship-less, much to your own bewilderment because you are an incredibly talented, skilled and loving being? You may even have an L.Ac, PhD, M.H.T or other assorted credentials after your name.
Do you feel invisible, like no one will hire you, love you or even recognize you? And really for no apparent reason, it feels like you have a mark on your forehead?
Are you unable to do anything as you did in the past to earn a living or live as you once did?
Are you a healer or working in the healing arts, running around trying to find a way to translate this into cash or a means of support?
Do you seem to travel a lot, drive or go long distances, or sleep in several different places in short periods of time, perhaps even on your ex's couch?
Do you feel confused about your purpose and identity in the world?
Are there people, such as your biological family or friends, who are completely shocked or troubled by your life, attempting to offer their advice on what went wrong with you?
My dear one, welcome to The Spiritual Nomad. Fun isn't it? The rest of this article is for you.
This is the time in one's life where every aspect of perceived security in the structure of the human world is completely unstable, unknown and unforeseen. Your life in all major areas such as relationship, money, career, residence is all abruptly halted, changed or terminated. You are left feeling isolated and standing in a place of total bewilderment wondering what happened to your life, the people in it and your former identity. This sets off every fear button you have because there is absolutely no sign post for what is going on, what is coming or why it's happening. There is only a sense that some force came in, picked you up out of your hologram and placed you into someone else's life. For a while, you may not recognize whose life it is. It is very much like the sensation captured in the Talking Heads song, Once in a Lifetime...
In the process of our unraveling consciousness in this human drama, this is one of the experiences that we as spirit have set up, to create the experience of learning to fully surrender to divine forces. It is a complete dismantling of our ego and ego defenses. This is the crossroads where we start to leave the world of human order and align to the Divine Order. To many of our earthly cohorts, biological families and old energy friends, it will appear as if we have stepped off the edge of a chasm into a realm of insanity.
Groups will stand around shaking their heads, whispering how you have gone off your rocker and offer lots of advice and theories about your problems and issues. As the unsolicited advice starts mounting, generally suggesting that you are incompetent, less than, unrealistic, ungrounded, living in the clouds or just purely strange, your subconscious fear programs get triggered. Maybe, just maybe, could they be right? Internal pressures increase and you feel extremely conflicted about who you really are and what the heck you are doing with your life. This sets you off on a tangent of extreme inner examination and the re-evaluation of every goal, dream, thought and idea that you have had about your role in the world. Will I ever make it? Will I ever become self actualized? Will I have the ability to create abundance in my life?
This process is designed to cultivate the incredible inner strength needed to face yourself and your deepest fears of survival. You then become intimate with the universal Law of Abundance and learn how generous the universe really is, even if it's not all manifested in the order of your personal preference. You find that somehow, someway, all your base needs are being met, even though you have not the foggiest clue how it's happening or who some of the strangers are that have appeared in your life to support you in ways you would never imagine. You learn how to receive from total strangers, which is an illusion as everyone is Family, or from new sources. You learn how to acknowledge and receive these new ideas of abundance, which you were not formerly aware of.¨
Aloha dear Charlotte, silly as it is to say, it brought tears to my eyes reading your sharing. Bless your Randy's heart as he was with you. What a blessing it is to experience a love like that. On a more practical note, sharing some unpopular opinions- it is criminal to have lost your business earnings due to the measures. Read somewhere that sometimes 'organisations' destroy the economy before giving you benefits flamboyantly. Anti-depression drugs etc have been linked to suicidal tendencies, violent tendencies, neurological disorders and more- which R fk actually rightly highlighted though the media doesn't seem to like him. Haha. Recently, another famous farma's heartburn drug caused cancer and they had to pay tens of thousands of lawsuits. Trauma is always hard to bear. A lot of people including me are no stranger to that but guess can't dwell on it. I love Gabor Mate's work on trauma. Think sunlight's the cure for a lot. >< Hope you're having a beautiful day. The sunrises you shared were spectacular. I hope to move to a better neighbourhood where it is not so rough and there's more beauty. @>< Thanks. XO
Thank you so much for your response silly! I really appreciate the time you’ve taken to write back. Sending you much love and gratitude! For many people medication‘s have been godsend and a miracle. But for other people they can be hell. I take nothing myself and when I do I read all the information before I proceed ahead. It’s a gamble let’s do it group you’ll end up in.
Thank you for your comment about my sunsets. I’m so happy you enjoyed them! Have a beautiful day and bless you!✨💜✨🤗
I’m so sorry to hear about your friends. Pharmaceuticals can be overpowering. Depression is indeed a horrible condition. I think of the times when I’ve been depressed, but I always know there is hope again because it is temporal. But when you can’t identify the cause of your sorrow, your only hope may lie in death. Thank you so much. 💖✨💖
Wow....TEARS, Charlotte. Of empathy for all you've gone through. Having to adjust from one reality- a dream life- so quickly into a living nightmare. How disorienting and isolating it must have felt to watch a man you knew so well change and deteriorate in front of your eyes.
And also tears of joy and admiration for your strength, your incredible resilience bolstered by your unwavering connection to God, and your beautiful Randy who held the ground while you healed...
I am deeply honoured to have in any way to be connected to you, and your telling of this story. Thank you for the gift of your vulnerability, for sharing your powerful story of transformation into a beautiful butterfly. Anything is possible. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sending you much love and gratitude on the wings of butterflies flying your way Jacqueline, thank you so much! This is something I could only write about express years later when I had my thoughts together. This is the first time I have written about my experience or talked about it. Yes, too be living in a dream and to fall so profoundly into the abyss of a nightmare was shocking. But the experience fortified my faith in God knowing it was him who pulled me out of the depth of the darkness. . It’s in the heart's labyrinth where the hidden shadows of nightmares dwell. Some how I found the courage to confront the dark and emerge into the dawn's light.
Sending you much love and blessings! Stay beautiful! ✨💜✨
"This is the first time I have written about my experience or talked about it."
wow......I am breathing this into my belly. What a gift for us all, you giving us your story that you've held hidden for so long!! And what a gift for YOU!!! To release it....I'm so proud of you, soul to soul. And I know you will be receiving such amazing support from all the people who love you! ❤️
Your experiences are so difficult to read because they mirror so many of my own. I look forward to meeting you someday since we share so many things in common that have been hard to walk through, but have brought so much emotional and spiritual growth into our lives. You have inspired me to write about my similar traumatic experiences with a wonderful husband who went mad.
Sending you much love and empathy Jana. I love the golden lining though despite the trauma from the experience. We have grown so much spiritually. I know today, I’m a better person as a result. Writing it out has been cathartic for me the past few days because I have never talked about it until now. But you have to decide on your own right time to publish it. It took me 14 years.
I’m sorry my friend you weathered that tumultuous storm. Your angels kept you alive. I’m happy you are here to share your stories. The world would be less without your magical presence. ♥️
What a transformational story indeed, Charlotte. Your inner wisdom gave you a heads up that trouble was brewing. Maybe it helped you mentally prepare for the chasm to come and the door was not locked, the phone appeared and you managed to get away. Chilling. Also compassionate of you to work towards Jonathon's shortened jail time. I love the last sentence: Butterflies rest when it's raining. And you certainly re-emerged with wings stretched skyward. So glad you did.
Jeanine, sending you much gratitude and thanks for your kind words and empathy. Definitely my experience solidified my God and the realness of divine intervention. Recently I was studying butterflies because I tutor a little five year old and I learned this fact. The metaphor worked perfect with my story. Thank you! Have a beautiful day and blessings to you!✨💜✨🤗
I am speechless, Charlotte. The fact that you are such a compassionate, caring person despite this great trauma is testament to your strength and will to heal yourself. And also a testament to Randy and God’s great love for you, which you reflect back to the world. Thank you for sharing your journey and giving hope that it’s possible to weather any storm life throws at you.
Jenn, I truly appreciate your wonderful support! Sending you much love and gratitude. It’s fascinating the lives we’ve all lived, and the different path God sends us on….even those which sometimes turn into nightmares. I know from the miracles in my story He is real. Believing in His divinity is what set me free.
Thank you again and have an awesome weekend! ✨💖✨💖✨
But believe me - I felt this. I felt this special power inside you since the first piece I read from you. You LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS in your soul and have to synchronize with real life. And sometimes the road is as bumpy as described.
After all, being a Samaritan to Jonathan shows from where you come. And where you go ...
How beautiful Klaus, thank you so much from the depth of my soul! I’m so happy my stories resonate with you. I know what you mean by “felt” it, and that just honors my heart! Thank you! Sending you much gratitude and I hope you have a beautiful day? Stay magical! ✨💜✨🤗
Such a beautiful story of transforming adversity. Thankyou for sharing. Currently feel like I am in the process of unlocking myself after cocooning myself away too. Slowly does it. My body and mind are not allowing myself to go faster and I am ok with that.
Sending you much love and gratitude Elly, I appreciate your thoughts and comment. Yes, go at your pace. Your intuitive soul understands what to do. Have a beautiful day! ✨💜✨
Charlotte, this piece holds so many truths for me. Your writing is always touching, yet this is raw and reaches right to the soul. Your faith and intuition are a strong force of protection for you. Thank you for sharing this. It’s true. Looking back on the past never makes anything better.
Thank you so much Trudi, I appreciate your wonderful support. It wasn’t an easy one to decide to write but once I begin writing it it flowed. Ever since I have listened to my intuition at all times. It was a lesson for me. Looking back on the past certainly doesn’t make that time any better, but it’s through those storms I have become better. Have a beautiful day! ✨💜✨
We do come through stronger! Enjoy your day, Charlotte ✨
Thank you Trudi ✨💖✨
Thank you Charlotte for have the courage to allow yourself to be so open and vulnerable. That is not easy and very few people are able to do that. I commend you on your recovery journey and the strength you have in continuing to grow and overcome the trauma of your past.
I am a counselor by profession. I am reminded of something I tell my clients. We have to embrace our past experiences in order to live in the present and shape our future.
God bless you,
Lois, I want to thank you so much for your understanding and compassion. Believe it or not, this is the first time I have ever spoken about the incident in public. 14 years! Demi Pietchell and Jacqualine Rendell posted a few inspirational messages, which motivated me to finally tell my story.
The meantime, my ex-husband has been blaming me on Facebook for the past 14 years. Blaming me. Sending you much gratitude. Have a beautiful day!✨💜✨
Bless you for having the courage, sensitivity and skill to share such a moving personal essay Charlotte. Fascinating how words can stir such a visceral indescribable response. Equal parts harrowing and healing, your ability to rise above such formidable challenges is inspiring.
Thank you Russell, spot on! I appreciate your support. Have a beautiful day!✨💜✨
Yes Charlotte : Keep faith. We are invincible!
KINGDOM - Animated Short Film 13:55 min
Thank you Mario, sending you much love and appreciation! I will check this out. ♥️
This prose is overwhelming. It paints a mirror of Charlotte’s complex issues she dealt with on a daily basis. I personally could not stop reading the beginning, the middle and the ending, as these impossible life changing roadblocks unfolded. They are compelling, and then if by a miracle, were cured by her inner voice of sanity. I am impressed by Charlotte’s courage to reveal her most inner haunts and secrets. But the end does often justify the means; the end in this case offers faith to those who face similar dilemmas. Bravo!
Gino, coming from you that is one great complement! I really appreciate you taking the time to read and comment on this piece. Those were tough times in my life. It’s nice to be able to fly again but and in a brand new exciting new direction. Through the struggle then definitely justify the means. My faith in God has been solidified. Sending you much gratitude, happiness and love and I hope when I’m in Vegas next we can all get together! Have a beautiful weekend and stay magical my friend! 🤗💖✨💖
I have an interesting article here Charlotte : What is the Spiritual Nomad? By Lisa Renee
Some questions to help define The Spiritual Nomad:
Are you currently jobless, juggling jobs, possibly homeless and relationship-less, much to your own bewilderment because you are an incredibly talented, skilled and loving being? You may even have an L.Ac, PhD, M.H.T or other assorted credentials after your name.
Do you feel invisible, like no one will hire you, love you or even recognize you? And really for no apparent reason, it feels like you have a mark on your forehead?
Are you unable to do anything as you did in the past to earn a living or live as you once did?
Are you a healer or working in the healing arts, running around trying to find a way to translate this into cash or a means of support?
Do you seem to travel a lot, drive or go long distances, or sleep in several different places in short periods of time, perhaps even on your ex's couch?
Do you feel confused about your purpose and identity in the world?
Are there people, such as your biological family or friends, who are completely shocked or troubled by your life, attempting to offer their advice on what went wrong with you?
My dear one, welcome to The Spiritual Nomad. Fun isn't it? The rest of this article is for you.
This is the time in one's life where every aspect of perceived security in the structure of the human world is completely unstable, unknown and unforeseen. Your life in all major areas such as relationship, money, career, residence is all abruptly halted, changed or terminated. You are left feeling isolated and standing in a place of total bewilderment wondering what happened to your life, the people in it and your former identity. This sets off every fear button you have because there is absolutely no sign post for what is going on, what is coming or why it's happening. There is only a sense that some force came in, picked you up out of your hologram and placed you into someone else's life. For a while, you may not recognize whose life it is. It is very much like the sensation captured in the Talking Heads song, Once in a Lifetime...
In the process of our unraveling consciousness in this human drama, this is one of the experiences that we as spirit have set up, to create the experience of learning to fully surrender to divine forces. It is a complete dismantling of our ego and ego defenses. This is the crossroads where we start to leave the world of human order and align to the Divine Order. To many of our earthly cohorts, biological families and old energy friends, it will appear as if we have stepped off the edge of a chasm into a realm of insanity.
Groups will stand around shaking their heads, whispering how you have gone off your rocker and offer lots of advice and theories about your problems and issues. As the unsolicited advice starts mounting, generally suggesting that you are incompetent, less than, unrealistic, ungrounded, living in the clouds or just purely strange, your subconscious fear programs get triggered. Maybe, just maybe, could they be right? Internal pressures increase and you feel extremely conflicted about who you really are and what the heck you are doing with your life. This sets you off on a tangent of extreme inner examination and the re-evaluation of every goal, dream, thought and idea that you have had about your role in the world. Will I ever make it? Will I ever become self actualized? Will I have the ability to create abundance in my life?
This process is designed to cultivate the incredible inner strength needed to face yourself and your deepest fears of survival. You then become intimate with the universal Law of Abundance and learn how generous the universe really is, even if it's not all manifested in the order of your personal preference. You find that somehow, someway, all your base needs are being met, even though you have not the foggiest clue how it's happening or who some of the strangers are that have appeared in your life to support you in ways you would never imagine. You learn how to receive from total strangers, which is an illusion as everyone is Family, or from new sources. You learn how to acknowledge and receive these new ideas of abundance, which you were not formerly aware of.¨
Read More
Mario, I so much appreciate the space you took out of your day to share this inspirational article. The message told us food for the soul. 🤗💜✨
Aloha dear Charlotte, silly as it is to say, it brought tears to my eyes reading your sharing. Bless your Randy's heart as he was with you. What a blessing it is to experience a love like that. On a more practical note, sharing some unpopular opinions- it is criminal to have lost your business earnings due to the measures. Read somewhere that sometimes 'organisations' destroy the economy before giving you benefits flamboyantly. Anti-depression drugs etc have been linked to suicidal tendencies, violent tendencies, neurological disorders and more- which R fk actually rightly highlighted though the media doesn't seem to like him. Haha. Recently, another famous farma's heartburn drug caused cancer and they had to pay tens of thousands of lawsuits. Trauma is always hard to bear. A lot of people including me are no stranger to that but guess can't dwell on it. I love Gabor Mate's work on trauma. Think sunlight's the cure for a lot. >< Hope you're having a beautiful day. The sunrises you shared were spectacular. I hope to move to a better neighbourhood where it is not so rough and there's more beauty. @>< Thanks. XO
Thank you so much for your response silly! I really appreciate the time you’ve taken to write back. Sending you much love and gratitude! For many people medication‘s have been godsend and a miracle. But for other people they can be hell. I take nothing myself and when I do I read all the information before I proceed ahead. It’s a gamble let’s do it group you’ll end up in.
Thank you for your comment about my sunsets. I’m so happy you enjoyed them! Have a beautiful day and bless you!✨💜✨🤗
Sorry for your terrifying experience. 😔
Glad for your premonition warning ⚠️ and especially for your survival! 🌱✨
Appreciate your compassion for someone suffering from depression and tinnitus.
In the 90’s, three of my lovely girlfriends killed them selves, one with a gun.
All 3 were seeing a professional for depression and were prescribed drugs.
They had been depressed for years but only took their lives in the year they were prescribed medication 💊.
I’m so sorry to hear about your friends. Pharmaceuticals can be overpowering. Depression is indeed a horrible condition. I think of the times when I’ve been depressed, but I always know there is hope again because it is temporal. But when you can’t identify the cause of your sorrow, your only hope may lie in death. Thank you so much. 💖✨💖
Wow....TEARS, Charlotte. Of empathy for all you've gone through. Having to adjust from one reality- a dream life- so quickly into a living nightmare. How disorienting and isolating it must have felt to watch a man you knew so well change and deteriorate in front of your eyes.
And also tears of joy and admiration for your strength, your incredible resilience bolstered by your unwavering connection to God, and your beautiful Randy who held the ground while you healed...
I am deeply honoured to have in any way to be connected to you, and your telling of this story. Thank you for the gift of your vulnerability, for sharing your powerful story of transformation into a beautiful butterfly. Anything is possible. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sending you much love and gratitude on the wings of butterflies flying your way Jacqueline, thank you so much! This is something I could only write about express years later when I had my thoughts together. This is the first time I have written about my experience or talked about it. Yes, too be living in a dream and to fall so profoundly into the abyss of a nightmare was shocking. But the experience fortified my faith in God knowing it was him who pulled me out of the depth of the darkness. . It’s in the heart's labyrinth where the hidden shadows of nightmares dwell. Some how I found the courage to confront the dark and emerge into the dawn's light.
Sending you much love and blessings! Stay beautiful! ✨💜✨
"This is the first time I have written about my experience or talked about it."
wow......I am breathing this into my belly. What a gift for us all, you giving us your story that you've held hidden for so long!! And what a gift for YOU!!! To release it....I'm so proud of you, soul to soul. And I know you will be receiving such amazing support from all the people who love you! ❤️
I never saw it as a gift Jacqueline but now you’ve made me see the light. It is a true gift! 🤗🙏💝💝💝💝💝
I hope you have a blessed day and your life gets better.
Thank you so much, you are so sweet. My life is fabulous these days. Bless you! ✨💜✨
Your experiences are so difficult to read because they mirror so many of my own. I look forward to meeting you someday since we share so many things in common that have been hard to walk through, but have brought so much emotional and spiritual growth into our lives. You have inspired me to write about my similar traumatic experiences with a wonderful husband who went mad.
Sending you much love and empathy Jana. I love the golden lining though despite the trauma from the experience. We have grown so much spiritually. I know today, I’m a better person as a result. Writing it out has been cathartic for me the past few days because I have never talked about it until now. But you have to decide on your own right time to publish it. It took me 14 years.
Thank you and stay strong my friend! 💪💜🤗✨🙏
I’m sorry my friend you weathered that tumultuous storm. Your angels kept you alive. I’m happy you are here to share your stories. The world would be less without your magical presence. ♥️
Bless you MsA! Sending you much gratitude, have a beautiful day! 🤗✨🤗
What a transformational story indeed, Charlotte. Your inner wisdom gave you a heads up that trouble was brewing. Maybe it helped you mentally prepare for the chasm to come and the door was not locked, the phone appeared and you managed to get away. Chilling. Also compassionate of you to work towards Jonathon's shortened jail time. I love the last sentence: Butterflies rest when it's raining. And you certainly re-emerged with wings stretched skyward. So glad you did.
Jeanine, sending you much gratitude and thanks for your kind words and empathy. Definitely my experience solidified my God and the realness of divine intervention. Recently I was studying butterflies because I tutor a little five year old and I learned this fact. The metaphor worked perfect with my story. Thank you! Have a beautiful day and blessings to you!✨💜✨🤗
Very welcome. I love the butterfly story. I never knew that. Nature is so incredible in its wisdom.
I am speechless, Charlotte. The fact that you are such a compassionate, caring person despite this great trauma is testament to your strength and will to heal yourself. And also a testament to Randy and God’s great love for you, which you reflect back to the world. Thank you for sharing your journey and giving hope that it’s possible to weather any storm life throws at you.
Jenn, I truly appreciate your wonderful support! Sending you much love and gratitude. It’s fascinating the lives we’ve all lived, and the different path God sends us on….even those which sometimes turn into nightmares. I know from the miracles in my story He is real. Believing in His divinity is what set me free.
Thank you again and have an awesome weekend! ✨💖✨💖✨
That is a beautiful testimony. Thank you. Enjoy a gorgeous weekend! ❤️
But believe me - I felt this. I felt this special power inside you since the first piece I read from you. You LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS in your soul and have to synchronize with real life. And sometimes the road is as bumpy as described.
After all, being a Samaritan to Jonathan shows from where you come. And where you go ...
How beautiful Klaus, thank you so much from the depth of my soul! I’m so happy my stories resonate with you. I know what you mean by “felt” it, and that just honors my heart! Thank you! Sending you much gratitude and I hope you have a beautiful day? Stay magical! ✨💜✨🤗
Such a beautiful story of transforming adversity. Thankyou for sharing. Currently feel like I am in the process of unlocking myself after cocooning myself away too. Slowly does it. My body and mind are not allowing myself to go faster and I am ok with that.
Sending you much love and gratitude Elly, I appreciate your thoughts and comment. Yes, go at your pace. Your intuitive soul understands what to do. Have a beautiful day! ✨💜✨
Sending you a DM. 💙🙏
OK Joyce, I will check! Thank you! 💖💖💖