I can relate to your experience, Charlotte. A few years ago I had a tire blow out on the highway on a screaming hot Texas afternoon in July. It took a lot of creative maneuvering to get a new tire, but within a few HOURS I was on my way again. (I think I was half cooked by the time I finally continued my journey!)

Like you, I had an incident several years back when a very unusual looking man in a bizarre looking vehicle came to my emergency assistance. He told me, "The Lord Jesus Christ just told me you need help." I was so shocked by his sudden appearance out of "nowhere" and his strange appearance, I just said to him, "I believe you." To this day I am convinced that man was an angel sent to help me.

Obviously I enjoyed your posting. Your stories are always so entertaining. Best to you, Charlotte.

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Thank you very much Lois, I greatly appreciate your support, and I’m so honored and happy you like my stories.


The guys that helped us were gifts from God, amazing how these miracles just sort of happen (wink wink) 😉

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Just on time… when they are needed.

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Thanks for the read. I lived in Vegas for 3 years. Anytime I thought Vegas was oppressively hot I just had to pay a visit to Laughlin. I still can't figure out how people can lounge outside by a pool on 110 plus days. Crazy stuff.


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Thank you EpicGonzo! I truly appreciate your support. You must have like the heat to go to Laughlin, lol! Back in my days in Vegas during the late 70s and throughout the 80s and 90s hotel pools seem to be open to non-guests. That’s what I noticed. But now a cabana might cost you $1000 a day for about eight people. You better enjoy the heat if you’re going to be spending $1000 a day to lay around in it. Lol! Have a beautiful weekend and God bless you!✨💖🤗

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Angels like you Char deserve an angel 😇 I loved reading this one, and I read it twice. I hope you feel much better.

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How kind 😇 Thank you so much MsA. I wish for you a magical week ✨💖✨

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I'm glad you took the time to remind us howdangerous the Summer heat is! Sometimes we just continue as usual and get in trouble! Your story also reminds me of the time my little truck had a fire under the hood, we were in Glendale, CA and the buildings around us were all tall...no one could see the smoke or fire! Then we saw this guy coming down this thin drive between the buildings, we could see his big rig out at the street. He calmly said stand back from the truck..he quickly put out the fire! Then he just walked off!! I know we thanked him, but that was it! As we talked we tried to recreate the scene..but we realized we could not describe what he looked like! It was crazy! We believe God sent an Angel to put out our fire 🙏 Thanks again for your story


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I believe it! One time Cliff, I was in Colorado visiting an art gallery. I had the most unusual conversation with a complete stranger. She worked there and when I approached her she began telling me about how she escaped death from a car accident, when two supernatural brings in the form of humans pulled her from the car, and then disappeared, when the ambulance arrived.

Jonathan and I experienced a similar situation. In Las Vegas or car rolled over after we slipped on the new paved road which was very slick. We were driving a Nissan 300ZX. It didn’t have a backseat but it had a large space for storage. Both our dogs fit in that area, And they were with us. We were actually taking them for a walk in the desert. so we were trapped in the passenger and driver seats while the dogs were in the back. And I could smell gasoline in it freaked me out. We are able to crawl out through Jonathan‘s window to escape. But the dogs were no we were inside when we left the vehicle. So I thought they were trapped in the car. I kept yelling their names, wanting them to come out, but they didn't. suddenly they both came running out of the desert. I have no idea how they got there. And that’s not all.

so we were standing outside our car after we escaped when a car drove up. Men got out and ran towards our car yelling at us let’s help the people inside. Asking us why we weren’t helping. We told him we were the people inside. At which point he was in complete shock, because he said he was right behind us and didn't see anyone escape the car. And then he was confused where we had appeared from? Crazy!

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The Southwest is one major power failure away from mass casualties. Do the people that live there understand how much in danger they are during these long periods of intense heat?

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3 million people live in Las Vegas now. It’s frightening to think about the results of a catastrophe.

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Yeah, the cabanas in Vegas and Laughlin are sooo expensive. However, I think that quite a few places will deduct your drinks/eats from the cost. Laughlin is an interesting place. With its small size and about 7 casinos or so, I imagine it has a feel of what Vegas was before it got all mega-supersized and corporate. Lots of snowbirds after summer.

Your piece really brought back the memories.


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Laughlin is very similar to old Vegas if you want that feel. Palm Springs is another place similar to old Vegas, but the casino resorts are spread out over a much larger area. It definitely has its own mid century vibe going on. I love it there. Thank you again and have a fabulous day. Stay magical!✨💖✨

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Thanks for your story. It’s lovely when people just show up like angels to help us and then we never see then again. Feels so supernatural yet destined for us. A planned intervention.

Heat can be so intense in the US. I remember when I visited Texas and New Orleans. Stupidly suggesting we open the car window and being hit like opening an oven door.

Yes looking after pets, making sure they have lots of shade and water is paramount.

Hopefully it will cool off soon for you guys x

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“ Thanks for your story. It’s lovely when people just show up like angels to help us and then we never see then again. Feels so supernatural yet destined for us. A planned intervention.”

Perfectly stated! And you know, the entire time he was helping me not a single car or truck drove by. These are God’s amazing miracles, and how we recognize His intervening hand. And its a confirmation of His constant presence.

Goodness Julie, being from England, you must have been shocked by the heat coming through your car window. Those hearty people in America’s west during the early days were very hearty people!

this is one of the worst heat waves I have experience. Today it is expected to be 114. Yesterday was 111. It will be like this the entire week. Worst the evening and nighttime temperatures do not fall below 80 making it impossible to open windows and use our house fan which draws all the hot air out of the house and cools off our attic. This is important because we use our air conditioner less when we can use our house fan which is less expensive to operate with the rising cost of energy.

Thhank you so much for reading my article! I am so honored and blessed! Sending you much love and appreciation!✨🤣💖

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You really are a genie in a bottle Charlotte. I never know what we’ll be granted next but I do know it will transport me far away on the most wonderful magic carpet x

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Thank you Julie!!! I love that! I want to use that quote! Whimsical, and so me! Bless you and your wonderful painting with words! ✨💖✨💖✨💖✨

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Bless you, go for it. it seems so apt with all the magic you hold inside my love x

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I used to live in Laughlin and Bullhead City, across the Colorado River. You survived by only going out at night after the sun went down or by staying in water. I'm a coastie now. Can't do it.

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I could barely take it there that summer, and I left the desert for the same reason! Lol! I needed to cool down. I moved to the coast for about 10 years, but following my divorce I came back to my hometown because my older mentally handicapped brother was alone in a rest home after my mother and older sister passed. A few weeks in the summer we get away to the beach.

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Nice. It does get cold here on the north coast, but when I go inland in the summer it's too much! Fall is the best time here. Less fog, more warmth.

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I love fall because it offers as a respite from the hot summer days and reminds us to oreoare fir winter! Thank you! 🤗💖

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I’m so glad you’re feeling better! I’ve passed out and been hospitalized from heat exhaustion on a few occasions. Thank you for sharing this story! That man sounded like a desert angel, just what you needed when you needed it. How humanity should be 💕

Here in Texas last summer was almost unbearable. 117° with 80% humidity. This summer so far it’s teetering around 100° with 70% humidity. Progress???

Something tells me that each year we need to adjust more and more to these levels of heat as best we can. If all of a sudden the power grid goes we have to be adaptable enough for survival. Just my “worst case“ brain talking. Oh and thank you for talking about salt intake!! So many people have looked at me sideways when I suggested additional salt in their water when they’re feeling weakened from the heat. It’s crazy how we’ve been taught to fear these things that can help us.

Love you and all that you do💜🍑

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“Here in Texas last summer was almost unbearable. 117° with 80% humidity. This summer so far it’s teetering around 100° with 70% humidity. Progress???”

YIKES 🥵 🔥 humidity makes it unbearable! At least out here in the west we are in the semi are in Desert and the dryer air I believe is easier to handle.

I wasn’t aware how important salt was in our diet. Jane 333 wrote a great article about it. I can’t tag her here, but here her article. https://open.substack.com/pub/jane333/p/how-does-salt-restriction-lead-to?r=127z9b&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Thank you so much for your love and gratitude! Sending you much love and stay beautiful and magical! Bless you!🍑💜

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Thank you for the kind words and for the article!! Stay cool ☀️

Humidity in the south is like walking through hot soup. Why shower, you’ll never dry off anyway 😆 Builds character I guess.

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I lived in Malaysia! It was like living in a steam oven! My hair never did dry the whole time I was there. There was always a dampness to it! Lol! 😂

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Holy Cannoli!! Malaysia sounds insane! Im sure your hair and skin looked great the whole time though ☺️ I can't take that kind of humidity. God bless you!

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Indeed, my skin was beautiful during that time. I cut my hair short in a 60s kind of Bob. Shorter in the back and a little bit longer in the front. This help me control it when it was dead. Lol. I was there only about two weeks when I was worn to not leave any leather in my closet or they would rot from mold. So I went to my closet and sure enough several leather shoes were already molding as well as a leather coat. And clothes never really dried during the monsoon season. I would have to put them in the dryer every time I wore them. Lol! So many stories about living in a tropical rainforest to tell.

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That was an incroyable trip don't have the words.

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Magic happens when God sends his angels! Thank you Brothers Krynn! ✨💖✨🤗

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Anytime, and yeah certainly seems to be the case.

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Hey, I am so glad that guy came along to help you once upon a very hot day. This is why I never go anywhere without a large drink or two. Honestly, I think I will start taking a cooler full of water too. I always worry about people when it's super hot and someone gets in an accident on 95. We are all stuck there, in the heat, waiting for them to clean up the mess. Of course I feel bad for whoever had an accident as well. I send them healing and calmness. But I often wonder how many people are in their car with not enough gas and nothing to drink while we wait? I have been working out in the sun every day this week and part of last and there is a guy on the roof across the street from me. I start at sunrise and quit somewhere around 12 or 1 and he just keeps going. I hope anyone on a roof has what they need that day. I can't see them anymore without sending them balance, well being and a body that feels capable. I am so glad I don't KNOW any roofers. Well this guy is building the roof AND putting the shingles on, so technically he is a carpenter. My uncle was a roofer and he fell and broke his back. *shiver. That's good advice about salt with water. I love the idea of frozen water for the feral cats. That's so nice. I have some feral around here, my neighbor feeds them./ I often put water out for them and keep my trees cleared underneath so they can nap there. I never thought of ice though. That's extra special. I just leave the water in the shade. Funny thing about shade. It's so much cooler in the shade so WHY ARE WE TEARING DOWN ALL THE TREES? Dumb, robot humans. Thank you for being a smart, nature loving, feral cat loving person. I am glad you are feeling better.

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Let me tell you, I believe in guardian angels and that guy was a living angel! He just suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Back in those days if my phone had a camera and we could take a selfie I wonder if he would have a glow around him?

My ex brother-in-law was a roofer in Southern California and worked a long long hours. He loved it. Mostly because he enjoyed having a tan. So he worked without a shirt. His very fair skin turns very leather in red. It was difficult to look at his skin with out cringing. What I notice about the migrant workers is they are always covered head to foot in loose clothing while working in the hot sun. A white blue shirt is your best bet. A big full brimmed hat is a must. Mostly, I stay out of it and that was probably why I overheated.

Speaking of animals, the other day I was at Smart and final late in the evening about 9:30 PM. As I was checking out the cashier yelled to somebody to get the dog out of the store. Of course whenever I hear about an animal in trouble my heart skips a beat. But I was confident the little guy had an owner. I watched as the employee picked up the Chihuahua mix under his front legs and pop him out side. I left the store a few minutes later and looked around for the little guy. He was sitting on the sidewalk confused. My car was nearby and as I was putting my groceries in the car he came running over to me. I was hoping he had an owner. He did have a collar but no tag. So I took him home of course. Getting him out of the heat. I honestly didn’t think I would find the owner because there are so many stray dogs similar to him running around, especially with the fireworks. Anyway I scheduled two have him checked for a chip when my husband saw his photo on Facebook. So I was so happy to reunite him with his owner.

In the winter time I take socks and fill them with rice. (Wool socks are best because they don’t burn but cotton will do if you watch them so they don’t burn.) I microwave them for 1 to 2 minutes until they are very warm and then I put them in my feral cats bedding outside. They stay warm for hours. You can do this for yourself as well. I take cardboard boxes and lined them with insulation and give them each straw. Straw is best because it does not freeze. Cotton is horrible because it freezes. So I stuff the socks in the bedding to give them extra warmth. I always try to take care of my little critters. Bless your golden heart for doing what you do Amy! Thank you! ✨💖🤗🙏

PS The only reason I keep a mouth crowave is to warm up socks! Lol! We leave it outside in our laundry room. 😂😂😂

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I love this~ thank you , I will remember that. You are such a good human :)

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Men endure scorching experiences.

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The ‘Temperature In The Shade’ Is The Right Way To Measure The Heat Charlotte.

The danger when it's very hot outside is when your body is not able to lower his inside temperature anymore. In this situation, you have to take action very fast and try to do what you have suggested in your article.

I like Monnol Trace Mineral - Concentrace Trace Mineral Drop. I add few drops in a glass of water mostly everyday for the electrolytes. Salt is very important for the body.



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Good to know Mario, thank you so much! I appreciate the references. 🤗 👍

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I like the last image with the sunset and the kids playing outside with no cell phone...

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Oh, Charlotte. Thanks for your post. Here in Kerman, the temperature at day has ranged between 100-104 for the past week or more (since the last week of June, to be more exact. Also, the temperature will even reach 107 in a few days). When it reaches 104, i can't tolerate it much because our ACs can't work properly and this stresses me a lot.

I can't understand how people endure the heat in places like Shahdad and Gandomberyan (Shahdad is located near the border of Kerman and Sistan-Balochistan province. And Gandomberyan is a place in the Lut Desert, where the temperature ranges between 122-133. In Gandomberyan, you can cook on bare rocks because they act like pans😅).

My tips for surviving heat are these: 1. Make sure to have a bit sour and salty Kefir and such drinks in your fridge (they can lower your body's temperature quickly). 2. Drinks like cherry juice and mojitos are also great (i've tried these two and they're wonderful).

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Holy cow! Take it easy Negar in that oppressive heat. I always tell myself it’s only for a few short weeks. Lol! But those are a few short weeks of hell, aren’t they? If you don’t have proper Air conditioning, a portable water cooler will work if you stay in one room. If you know what I’m talking about? Use with a strong fan or two they can take the edge off the heat.

Thank you so much for the advice about kefir. I did not know that and I will keep my refrigerator stocked with it. I can purchase it here locally and add a little sea salt. Sending you much love and I’ve missed you! God bless you! ✨💖🤗🙏

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Thanks, Charlotte. Yes, it's only a short time.

I've tried kefir and it works. Also, if you like ice cream, try buying non-milk based ice-creams.

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Look, I found A recipe for ice cream made from kefir


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Thank you, and why not and milk? there is probably a really good recipe for making ice cream out of kefir!

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What i said was my preference for non-milk based ice-creams. Your preference may be different, Charlotte.

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Oh! Yes, I see! 🤗

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That is a great story. I like it all. One part of the story talks about a man who man that offered his help to Charolette. This brings to mind an experience I had many years ago.

In the early 1980s I was the Director of Casino Operations at Bourbon Street Hotel and Casino on Flaming Road, in Las Vegas. I had an office on the second floor with a small reception area where my assistant, Judy Pierro, worked.

Late one afternoon I was getting ready to leave for the day, and overheard the conversation between my secretary and a lady from Louisiana, which had a broken Italian accent with a southern Louisiana-Creole style of talking, in my outer office. In retrospect, from her accent, that was probably why she decided to visit Bourbon Street Hotel.

Judy told the lady I am just leaving for the day and suggested she come back in the morning.

She replied, “I must-a see Mr. Munari today. My school, St. Joseph needs help.”

I stepped out and said, “Come on in, I have a few moments.”

When she said she needed help, I knew what that meant. I was getting ready for the big “hit’ for a donation.

She sat down and began telling me of the work they do at St. Joseph; teaching, feeding the poor, donating food and clothing, and more.

I sat and listened, anticipating the final blow. Then she looked at me directly in the eyes, almost like from a movie, without blinking her eyes, with her message that was commanding and spoke, “God-a sent-a me to see you, Mr. Munari.”

I got chills on my neck. I felt I was in the twilight zone.

“What can I do for you, Mam?”

She said, “I drove all the way from New Orleans to see-a you. Please-a donate ten-dollars!”

I was startled at the trifle amount requested. I stood up and reached in my pocket for some money and all I had was a Twenty-dollar bill. I handed her the bill, “That is all the money I have on me.”

She said, “God-a bless you! Thank-a you.”

She politely left and walked out of my office.

Two weeks later I received a hand typed letter from St. Joseph’s school, thanking me for the donation.

We all like science fiction and out of this world stories, and I thought, “Maybe God did send this lady to visit me. Who knows. Maybe I was tested? But I still was amazed that all she asked for was Ten-dollars. I have come to the conclusion, that we never solve these unusual experiences or know who is listening or watching over us.

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Geno, there are too many stories like your’s and mine to ignore the spiritual implications of angels coming to us in the form of humans. They test our soul and strengthen our faith in a higher power.

There’s nothing worse then a charity grifter, so I believe this lady drew out your true loving, and giving nature. Evidence to convince yourself you are a good guy! Sending you love and thanking you for all you do. 🤗✨💜🙏

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