Jan 20Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Charlotte, this felt like a beautiful and poignant tribute to John Belushi and Jonathan with some deep insights and life lessons sprinkled along the way. You have clearly lived an interesting life and I can't wait to read more.

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Sending you much gratitudeCatherine, thank you! It is a tribute to both of these men. John told Jonathan he loved him for many reasons, but especially his straightness from drugs he liked because it kept him straight. I think John tried to stay away from that stuff, but addiction is a strong pull and sucked him in.

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The richness of your joy and youth contrasts poignantly with your sorrow and loss... but what an amazing story, the tapestry of your life!

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I appreciate your comment R.H. Perfectly stated, and when you are young your sense of immortality isn't developed to its fullest so the death of someone close or important has a huge impact on your soul. At least it was like that for me.

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Wow Charlotte, now you have an interesting back story!!

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Thank you much Steve! That was another lifetime! ✨💫

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Jan 20Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Night night 💤

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Jan 20Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

I really needed to get going but just couldn’t stop reading. Thank you for sharing 💙💫

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Thank you, I’m so happy it stopped you, Lol! Good night…. 💤 It’s so late, I appreciate you taking the time to read it Joyce. ✨🤗

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Jan 20Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Thank you so much for sharing your treasures with us Charlotte. Whenever comedians die tragically, it always saddens me a little more. The funniest people are often the ones who have learned to find humour to mask their pain. Thank you for sharing your experiences with John in his final days. Much love to you

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Thank you sweet lovely soul, you have so much empathy. I find it true, comedians often disguise emotional pain behind a comedic veneer. One of my favorite songs is The Curtain Falls by Bobbie Darren. It brings tears to my eyes every time. The funny guy leaves the stage and when the curtain down off comes his mask

“Off comes the make up

Off comes the clown's disguise

The curtain's fallin'

The music softly dies….”


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Jan 21Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

I am sorry to read of your loss, but truly appreciate your memories.

Probably because of what I've previously read from you about the Blues Brothers, my wife and I watched it again the other day. When it came to the Church scene, I was able to impress her with my knowledge that the summersaults were done by a stunt man, and who the stunt man was! Well, or I think I was able to impress her, more likely she just figures I'm a little nuts. But anyway, reading your memories of the film, certainly adds wonderful flavor to it when rewatching.

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Thank you, that was in another life but my memories are a gift to remind me of those thrilling times which I love to share.

I haven’t seen the movie in awhile, I’ll have to do so again soon. I sure hope you impressed your wife, the other option of being nuts isn’t so good! 😂

Sending you much gratitude Cameron. I appreciate your wonderful support. Have an amazing week! ✨💫🤗

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I used to be a reporter for the Hollywood trades, all of 'em, actually. A lot of nice, "normal" grounded people in Hollywood. But interspersed by some who make you think: "why do I have to share the planet with you?"

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🎯 💯 tinsel combined with genuine hearted people 🤗✨🙏

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Jan 21Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

That's unbelievable. The blues brothers was one of my favourite movies of all time growing up lol I used to watch it over and over. It was actually what dressed up for my first Halloween with my dad 😀 blues brothers literally shaped my Musical world as a kid.

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Oh Wow! Belladonna, how incredible and serendipitous! No wonder you and I have a universal connection! That’s awesome for me to hear! We are learning more about each other every day! 💖💖💖


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Jan 21Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Indeed we are ❤️ I love hearing your stories so much. Thank you Charlotte 😊

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I’m thrilled and honored you read them Belladonna! Much gratitude and appreciation! 🤗♥️✨

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Jan 20Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Great stuff Charlotte! This was like learning a whole new part of your life! I really enjoy your writing. 😘

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Much appreciation and gratitude Sean. I’m always thankful for your support! Have an amazing weekend. I hope you are well and I need to catch up! 🤗💞

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Jan 20Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Beautiful story telling as always. Thank you for sharing, I’m looking forward to the next part!

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Sending love and gratiJenn! Have an awesome weekend!🤗💖✨

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Jan 20Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

you are an amazing woman your writing makes it all come to life.

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Sending you much love to you Frank! Thank you my friend! I appreciate you reading my stories. ✨💞💫

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This was interesting and very sweet. His body must have been fighting so hard to stay alive.

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Thank you very much Hannah! ✨💕Absolutely! John was the biggest lover of life. I’d wished Cathy Smith had stayed like he asked and called 911. She probably didn’t want to be in trouble. 18 months in jail was no punishment for what she did to John that night. Pumping him full of drugs.

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Jan 20Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Another captivating, incredible story. Love that pic with Jonathan, John, and Hunter S. Thompson. HST is one of my literary heroes.


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Thank you much Gonzo! I have that photo sling with another one of Jonathan with John Belushi on the set of Blues Brothers, but they are buried somewhere in my storage. I googled photos and found the one HST had posted, which I thought was remarkable.

I’m always thrilled as ever when I see you enjoy my stories. Thank you do much my friend! ✨💖🤗

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Jan 20Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Wow! Bravo...another captivating story, Charlotte. That closing party sounds like so much fun. I am already looking forward to Part 4! ❤️✨🎉

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Thank you and sending much love to you! 🥰

It was da bomb! 💥 As a musical artist you would have had a blast. Overtime I've been to many cast parties, but none matched the excitement of the Blues Brothers cast party. I felt I were in another world. I love all that music so what a concert!

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Jan 20Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Wow!! What a gift of an experience, Charlotte!! 🎉✨❤️

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Jan 20Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

I love the quote about God and your antenna.

I never guessed looking at your performances Johnathan was John Belushi's stunt double. Makes sense. Also have more admiration for your beliefs. Stay like you were drug free.

Thanks! Trust God and You're Loved!

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Much thanks! Sending love and gratitude. 💫✨🤗

That term came to me as I was writing. Feel free to use it. Jonathan often doubled actors who looked little like him except their height being in common. In Johns case, they both had similar facial features so it was easy to match shots.

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