I just finished watching your video ¨The Best of Magic The Pendragons - Hindu Basket¨ Charlotte and I start to wonder if you are really from this planet. :)


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Lol! Thank you, I take that as a strong compliment! I hope I’m from earth! Have a beautiful weekend Mario! 💞✨💞

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Yes indeed, it is a strong compliment. You are truly amazing! 💖

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Oh no, first of all, I hope you feel better soon; I’m so sorry you’re unwell. Next…. Wow. I enjoy how you weave the different influences and stories into your telling of your illusions. I found myself thinking about how you had to have total trust and confidence in your partner and awe at how you had to continue the show after your injury, yet another illusion for the audience. Thank you for sharing your writing and experiences, I enjoy them. Sending you healing vibes and prayers ❤️

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Sending you much love and thanks Jenn. I am feeling much better today. Yesterday I was just in a fog not feeling well. I appreciate you taking the time to read my article and comment. I’m so glad and it thrills me you liked this article! Blessings to you! 🤗✨💖

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Interesting trick. Thank you for sharing this, Charlotte. I hope you'll get well soon

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Thank you Emika! I’m happy you enjoyed watching the basket illusion. 💞✨💞

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Shirdi Sai Baba was of course a very different kind of fakir.

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I had to google him, and indeed he is a very special fakir! Thank you! 🤗💖✨

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It was unknown to many, whether he was Hindu or Muslim. It didn't matter to him. I've been to Shirdi many times, having had dreams about him. But I'm very wary of the other Sai Baba, the hairy one who died in the last few years, claimed to be Shirdi Baba's reincarnation. I've always doubted it.

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Hope you are feeling better today! This was a fantastic story and I am glad to know I can watch some of your magic on video. I have always felt that there is something to Synchronicity/serendipity and the idea of no such thing as coincidence. There is some force that connects al things, always listening, always guiding us. It is up to us to pay attention to the SHOW, so we all know how to be Magicians in our own lives, bringing the best of possibilities into reality. What a fun and exciting life you have had, and a great story teller too!

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Thank you so very much Karafree, I truly appreciate your kind words and I’m so thrilled you enjoyed the story.

I agree, there's no such thing as coincidence. There's a force connecting all things, always listening, always guiding us. It's up to us to pay attention to the show, so we can all become magicians in our own lives, so we can manifest the our dreams into reality. Sending you much gratitude! ✨💞✨

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Charlotte, what an honor to be showcased by you here! Thank you - I am deeply appreciative. Fascinating to read of your behind-the-scenes work on the magic performed. I never heard of Kuda Box before so he was a reveal!

Regarding walking on fire coals, it is no trick - people do this even today, annually, during certain festivals or specific rituals they undertake. YouTube has several of these videos captured by observers. Here's one from last month, where casual walkers - aka the police - took part. :-)


I suspect the trick is in the speed, like walking barefoot on hot stone floors in the midday sun ( 100 degree F ) in temples!


p.s. I hope you feel better soon, and the post was worth an encore!

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My pleasure Jayshree, and thank you! Kuda Bux was pretty amazing. I know many magicians inspired by coal walking or fire walking. My friend Ray Wold performs his fire act for Cirque I Las Vegas, as one of the featured acts in the stellar show O.

Here is a taste of one of fire acts her performs with his mother.


Sending you much gratitude and love! 💖✨💖

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Thank you. I grew up watching magic on UK TV in the 80s and saw you appear on many different shows. It is fascinating to read the behind the scenes stories of the tricks and performances.

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Wow! Thank you! You have your own stories to tell of those shows from the perspective of an audience member! I’m happy after watching so many of the shows you now have a glimpse of behind the scenes. Blessings to you! 🤗✨💞

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Wow! So fascinating! I loved reading the history behind the illusions and how you adapted them to your own show. I watched the YouTube video and was very impressed by this amazing illusion. Magic and illusions have always fascinated me and I'm very grateful that you share your story with us. Thank you again for such an excellent read, Charlotte.

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Sending you much love and gratitude Ultra! I appreciate your wonderful support and I’m very happy you enjoyed my article! Have a magical weekend! 💜💫💜

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I am and hope you are, too. Please call me, Steve 😉

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Thank you Steve! Hug🤗

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Charlotte! you are most definitely from a magical planet! I so enjoyed this and my goodness that video of the basket illusion!! I have always been in awe of magicians. Love your stories and how they are so rich and full. A blessing that came out of the rebuilding process.

Sure hope you feel better. What has been going around has been rough. Sending you much love and prayers. ox

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I don’t know how I missed your message?! Thank you so much Deborah, I can’t tell you how much gratitude I have for your support! I’m so blessed, sending you much love! 🤗✨🤗💖✨

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No worries!!!! I have NO idea how you keep up! I am barely keeping up!! 😅 I so appreciate you 😘

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What am amazing effect, I absolutely adore your style and your magic Charlotte and I absolutely love hearing all your stories. I know absolutely 0 about Indian history of magic I was mostly wrapped up in Egyptian history when I was growing up but you've definitely inspired me to delve deeper. Thank you again for sharing and I hope you feel better soon ❤️

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Belladonna Thank you my beautiful friend for subscribing to my stories! I’m so thrilled you enjoy them! Sending you big hugs and much love my friend! 🤗💖🤗💖🤗

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Wonderful!!! 🩷🩷

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I'm just so blown away (as always) by your thrilling life of adventure and excitement. What a performance!!

AND story-telling. You ask some great questions at the end, Charlotte! I do believe we live in a magical realm, and that the power of our beliefs can give shape to the visions birthed by our imagination! XOX

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You much love and gratitude Jacqueline! I’m so happy you took the time to read my article and you enjoyed it. I love how you say that, “the power of our beliefs gives shape to the visions birds by our imagination”. We are only limited by what we can imagine. Earth is such a beautiful place! I hope you enjoy a beautiful week and stay extra magical! 🪄✨✨💖✨

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Oh Charlotte! I am so sorry you don't feel well - I am praying you get better soon! Drink a lovely hot tea and dream up more wonderful stories for us, please... everytime I read your work, I am transported to magical realms!

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RH, I felt much better over the weekend and almost like brand new today. I guess I shedded some crud out of my body.

I am so thrilled and glad that you enjoy my stories. That just touches my heart. My imagination is going wild this week. I can’t wait until Friday when I publish my new work. Enjoy a beautiful day and stay incredible! ✨💖✨🤗

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Materializing on Earth or being from Earth, the magic of life is indeed the imagination that makes our incarnation so different from others. Spiritually speaking, grounded and part of the flow of aetherial energies that use the subtle forces to let magicians operate invisibly, for the many who can not see past the illusions Wii create. From upon the stage of life, instead of mired in the audience that does not know and can not see how manipulative you can be, or Mii, our greatest magical feats hold secrets seldom, if ever repeated by others? Magic is both trickery truth, but the ability to see and do the real miracles that most will never believe or duplicate happen through the altering subtle forces that control a Magical Door or Window of opportunity. Without Faith, no key to see more than the illusions on the stage of life are possible, especially not understanding and using the Light at our core that makes that possible. It is not of Earth.

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The key to seeing the magic is believing magic. It’s all around us! Just looking at a simple be landing on a flower is pure magic. It’s everywhere in the universe! Thank you so much Texas! Have a beautiful day! Stay magical!


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I hope you feel completely better very soon 🙏 Look forward to reading more. Thanks for sharing an old article. I am a new subscriber and will have to go back and read done more!

I love Jayshree's writing.

Each time I learn so much 🌼

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Thank you Janet, I do feel much better today. It’s all the prayers and good thoughts. Now at least I’m ahead because I’m ready to publish my intended article for last Friday. This will allow me to write an extra one this week. It’s funny how that works out.

I am so thrilled you enjoyed the article and the magical journey. And I enjoy Jayshree’s work very much. And she is generous with her knowledge of IT technology.

Enjoy a beautiful week ahead! ✨💞✨🤗

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Wonderful news Charlotte 😊

You as well 💕

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Thanks for sharing your experiences, Charlotte! Amazing to relive this all through your videos. And feel better too! India has a lot of herbs that have their own magic tricks and heal the body. Anti-inflammatory potions with turmeric, black pepper and ginger were some of my grandmothers favorite ingredients used to cure sore throat and inflammation through the body.

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My Irish father used to give me whiskey to gargle to treat a sore throat when I was a teenager. Lol! 🥴🥃 Thank you so much for reading my article and the advice of the effective East Indian herbal medicine recommendations. A large part of my community is from East India and I am very good friends with an East Indian family. I tutor their daughter during the week. Their grandmother gave me a an herbal concoction Friday. The following day I felt much better. I don’t like to take over the counter medication, so this was Godsend. I’m going to have to learn more about it from them to make my own potions in the future. Have a beautiful week! 🥰

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