We watched you perform at the Palace Theatre in Manchester, New Hampshire in the early 2000s - still one of the most extraordinary performances we've ever seen. Some shows are enjoyable, but the Pendragons were utterly astonishing.

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Yes, I remember the Palace Theater well! We played their on a tour a few times. Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m so happy I gave you some magical moments. @Lydwine 💜✨🤗

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This was the coolest ever! Omgosh Charlotte! What a life! You are just adorable! I love your description of Japan and the people. This magic trick/stunt was amazing! Thank you for sharing this. oxox

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I said to Bill, it is easier to write about it then to actually do it? Lol! Thank you my wonderful friend, I appreciate your support! Sorry about all the Japanese commercials, lol, but I didn’t know how to exactly edit them, and they are interesting to watch! Have a beautiful Sunday! ✨💖🤗

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I loved it! The girl news person was hilarious!! They both were. It’s so interesting and then there’s that 80’s vibe!! lol. Hope you and Randy have a lovely, peaceful Thanksgiving. ox

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Thank you Debra! In the Japanese language, which I don’t understand, inflection is everything. Without it you can’t speak the language. The two hosts exemplify that as a perfect example! And I just love the commercials. 😍

We plan on driving up to Sacramento tomorrow to be with my brother and all of our family. About 30 to 50 people get together every Thanksgiving. I haven’t been in a few years so I will be happy to see everybody. Same to you, I hope you can enjoy an incredible Thanksgiving weekend with family friends and hopefully beautiful weather! It’s raining here like cats and dogs

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Oh i think this is my favourite thing of yours you've posted. Enjoyed so many things about it. I have always been drawn to Japan myself but not yet been. Your memories and descriptions are wonderful. Of everything - the place, the food, the word 'Datsuzoku'. And i watched the show too. I mean i had no clue what was being said but that wasn't really necessary, was a fabulous performance, really felt the mounting tension there. And how radiant you look! What an amazing memory that must be, all of it. thank you for sharing.

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Thank you again Julie! I truly appreciate your support and I’m so happy you read it and enjoyed it. I hope someday you make it a priority to visit Japan. I sense that you will like it and it’s beautiful happy people! I’m blessed for that experience! ✨🤔💖

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This is the essence of Datsuzoku - to revisit our lives, looking back in love and acceptance, and still escaping the box...

you escaped the box, Charlotte. You are safe, just in the nick of time - and I am so happy for you!

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R.H., so true, and the most wonderful gift about aging is revisiting our lives. Looking back lovingly accepting our mistakes, challenges and accomplishments. This is the week to be grateful for all we have and remember those things! Stay beautiful! ✨💖✨

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This was truly a wonderful post, Charlotte. I felt I was right there with you in Japan. I didn't know they had different words that embodied -- so much. How incredible you were able to learn so much about the lifestyle. And it sounds like being there, inspired you and was an awakening, too. Love this, "It was as though I had stepped into a realm where the ordinary transformed into the extraordinary; every heartbeat and every breath held more significance." Kudos.

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Sending you much love and gratitude Jeanine. I think it’s impossible to stay in Japan for any length of time and their culture and language not profoundly having an effect on you. It permeates everything, and you wonder about it a learn. I changed the way I viewed the world for sure! ✨💖✨

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It truly sounds like it did. I've sadly not spent time in Japan. I love the mystical, yet incredibly practical, philosophies. And bowing to the beauty of our world--they are so aware of the natural beauty.

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I think keeping their culture in tact for thousands of years has encouraged them to keep their culture solid and strong! Thank you so much

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Could be very true, Charlotte! Also, intrinsically, I find so much innovation in artistry in Mexico, often using the simplest of materials--from sapling branches (often used in lovely outback settings w/ humble but spectacular homes--due to natural things one could find in jungle/forest. Or for instance, mosaic, which is simply Broken Tile! And look at the beauty! So creative. I just love it. This project of course entailed massive amounts of glass, etc, workers--but it is simply spectacular-- what he has done. Thanks as always for your reflective and thoughtful comments, and again, I loved the post on -is it- Datzuko? simply wonderful.

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Men’s greatest aspirations should be seeking artistic creative endeavors! I really appreciate that you explore these themes and share them! I look forward to seeing more of your treasures! Stay magical and beautiful!✨💖✨

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Thank you!! Agreed re art and aspirations.

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Charlotte thank you for all your support. I know I need to pay to subscribe but I think I am ready for a magical Journey. Is that happening at any particular time

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Magical journeys are happening everyday. Although I’d love to have your support as a paid subscriber, I’m honored you subscribe to my publication regardless! Thank you! ✨💖✨

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That... was an amazing illusion, Charlotte. I am blown away by the intricacy and showmanship in it.

And your post is beautiful, too. I have always been fascinated by Japanese culture (in fact, NHK News is one of the few apps I have on my Roku), and this is such a wonderful tribute to it.

Bravo! 👏🏻💯🥰

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I get NHK as well, it’s always intriguing to watch. Mostly I’m deeply effected by their connection to the natural world and it’s laws. They apply those principles to their daily lives and routines. When the sun starts, it rises first in Japan each day before it visits us. They are the stewards, the guides. Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed the show! ♥️

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Remarkable. Your story called to mind Cathy Davidson's "36 Views of Mount Fuji", my first serious exposure to Japanese culture, and you touch on a couple of those themes in this amazing piece. I am a better person, I think, for having read this. Thank you!

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Wow! Your kind words just made my day, and week actually. As an entertainer, I always want to bring joy to peoples lives so they can rise above the mundane. Japanese culture highly influenced my thinking and spiritual being. Bless you @Chris Lesley and I hope you enjoy an amazing Thanksgiving week! ♥️🤎🧡❤️💛

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Can I just say you are a stunning woman! I know this was back in the 80s, but you’ve retained your beauty inside and out. Love, Ms A 😘♥️

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Sending you much love Miss A! I appreciate your support my friend! 💖✨💖

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I love the word komorebi! It’s the sensation I get when the leaves of the trees flutter at once in my digs in upstate New York. And a large reason why I’m moving back permanently.

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Life is all about the small wonders, isn’t it? I would move to New England in a nanosecond just for the fall leaves and the smell of the fresh air! Thank you so much for reading and commenting on my post Debbie!! I hope you have an amazing week! 💖✨💖

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Thank you Charlotte, this was as lovely as you are 💜✨

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I’m so glad you liked it, and I hope you are feeling better! I can’t believe 2024 is almost dead and close! Happy Thanksgiving! ♥️🤎💛❤️

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I know it on the end of 2024, the older I get the faster time goes it seems 😅. We do not celebrate Thanksgiving but thank you anyway. I hope your Thanksgiving is filled with love and loved ones. 💜 🥂

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Your stories and experiences never cease to amaze, Charlotte! This was fantastic! Thanks for sharing some aspects of the culture of language.

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Rid, I greatly appreciate you taking the time to read and comment on my post! This one was a fun one to write about. The Japanese are so rich in culture and it profoundly influenced my spiritual trajectory. Have a beautiful Thanksgiving!

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Thanks, Charlotte! It was such an enjoyable post. Happy Thanksgiving!

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Thank you! It’s unbelievable that 2024 is almost got a finish!

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It’s gone so fast!

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This was fascinating and I love the explanations of the Japanese words! I’m guessing this is how you met Beth?! ☺️✨

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Yes! ☺️✨

Thank you, I am so glad the Japanese words inspired you! I wish we had similar words in our English language, I believe life would be richer! Have an amazing week Trudi! ✨💖💖

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You too, lovely Charlotte 🥰🌟

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Amazing and inspiring! U travelled so much Charlotte! and I love that it was something new you did! Inspiring! XO

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Thank you so much Cassandra, I used to get very lonely on the road and in specially in countries where not only did I not understand the language but I couldn’t read it either! Lol! Like China and Japan. But both cultures are very embracing and welcoming me. I am happy I had those experiences. I’m blessed and very fortunate. Now it’s kind of nice to live in one place and not have to travel so much. I’m relishing the country style. I hope you enjoy an amazing Thanksgiving week! Stay magical!💖💖💖

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Aloha Charlotte, what are you having for Thanksgiving and celebrating it? Is it a holiday in the states? Thank you for your amazing update. ~^^~ XO

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Mind blown officially! Charlotte! First off one of your most beautifully poetic pieces I have read. 2nd I’m honored that my painting “Metamorphosis” figured in to your piece! And lastly the death defying illusion is unfathomable! Spectacular. 💜

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Thank you Michael! I figured in your metamorphosis piece because it was perfect for this essay, and represents so much to me, being “metamorphosis” changed my life’s trajectory. I plan on naming my book metamorphosis and I for the cover I want to use your beautiful painting as inspiration for a photograph! I have one that might work taken by Ken Marcus, but I’m smiling at the camera instead of looking down and behind me! Lol! I hope you enjoy an amazing Thanksgiving weekend! I’m sending you a PM on Facebook! Thanking you for the books. I know my friends will be excited to receive them!

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Thanks Charlotte for this window open on japanese soul...

My humble contribution to Komorebi...


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Thank you Cocotte! What a cowinkydinky! I love your photographs and share them! Thank you! I hope you enjoy a fabulous Thanksgiving week! ❤️🧡💛🤎

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