I can feel the warmth and passion emanating through your writing, through your description of events. It has been about 20 years since I have had gazpacho soup, a perfect summer treat Thanks Charlotte for brining some of the magic of Spain to us.

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Thanking you so much Perry and sending you my love! I appreciate your support! I mentioned to Deborah I had planned to add the story about the riots in LA but the piece was already getting along and I didn’t want to compromise the depth of the passion I feel for Spain and it’s beautiful people! I hope you are and join name an amazing weekend full of magic! Stay beautiful!🤗✨💕✨

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May 25Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

America could afford this siesta culture, gosh you described it so well. When everybody and everything settles down and they all agree to just chill...I could only imagine it!

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I have probably been to Spain more times than I can count. Never once did I encounter an unhappy person. It would be nice to transport that lifestyle back here to America. I wish I could’ve brought it back home with me. Thank you for your support Bethel! I hope you enjoy an amazing weekend! ✨💜✨🤗

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May 25Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Gladly! Enjoy your weekend as well!

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May 25Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Ooooh, Charlotte! Your story was such a treat for my senses. I gotta get myself to Spain now. ❤️

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Sensory overload Jacqueline in such a good way. I don’t know then in Spain I have ever met one unhappy person. It’s truly a land of dreams. A place where I could live forever. Thank you for reading my article and commenting! Have a beautiful day!✨💕✨🤗

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Wow, now that's saying a LOT considering you inhabit one of the most beautiful places on the planet!! Have a beauty weekend, Charlotte!! ❤️❤️❤️

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I think the people in the vibes along with the beauty of the landscape and the different regions make it a fabulous place! I hope you go! And take your guitar! They love music! 🎶😍🥰♥️💃

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May 25Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Loved the story and details.

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Sending you so much love Geno! When I get together with you in Las Vegas I will make some of this soup for you! It would be great for those hot summer days! (I sent you an email, I’m not sure if you got it) Thank you so much for reading it and commenting! I hope you have an amazing week! Stay magical! 🪄✨✨💖✨

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May 25Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

There's a recipe reward for reading! I dig it

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Awwww … thank you! And yes, this recipe is a winner! I hope you and your family make it this summer and enjoy it! There are many recipes online which you can use but this one is as close to the one my friend gave me from Spain. You can adjust the taste with whatever spices and herbs you prefer. Many people leave out the garlic. I usually add more. 😍😋

Thank you so much for reading and commenting and I hope you have a magical weekend! 🪄✨✨💖✨

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May 25Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Sounds like a dream! I have always wanted to go to the south of France; that drive along the coast sounds amazing. Spain has been on my list of places I’d like to go, too. What a wonderful experience…contrasted with what you hint at for next week! Thank you so much for another take from your magical life!

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I see a trip to the south of France and the northern Spain coast in your future Jenn 🔮

I hope you do plan a trip to go, it’s an amazing journey. A sensory explosion! Thank you so much for reading it and commenting. Have a beautiful magical weekend!✨💜✨🤗

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I hope your crystal ball is accurate! 🤞. I hope your have a wonderful weekend, too! ❤️

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I hope so too Jemm! 🤗💜✨

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May 25Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

I love Spain and reading your descriptions has sparked a longing in me to return! Thank you for the recipe ✨

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After writing my article I feel like I could walk out the door and be in Spain but here I am in Central California. Lol! I would love to go back as well. I’m certainly making plans for the future. I hope you enjoy the soup! Have a beautiful weekend! 💕✨💕

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I love this post!

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Thank you so much Kristen, I am so very happy you enjoyed it! Sending you much love and gratitude and hope you have an amazing magical weekend!✨💜✨

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May 25Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Another fantastic story! Full of lovely descriptions. I will check out the show series! Love the orange tabby visits. Could feel the reprieve and furry love. Much needed I'm sure. Felt as if I was there. The manager part? Only caring about himself. Isn't this just the way. It really is sad when you rely on someone to do a good job protecting you. We went through a terrible embezzlement from an employee many years ago. It's truly disgusting behavior. I loved Spain as a child and we went to the South of Spain in 1998. Very memorable. My cousin lives there. I can't have too much tomato, sadly, so haven't tried the Gazpacho.

Thank you again for sharing another wonderful story of your life... (and will never forget the L.A. Riots).

Have a sweet holiday weekend Charlotte ✨🩷😘

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Sending you much love and gratitude Debra! Thank you so much for reading and commenting on my article this morning. I wanted to incorporate the riot story but I realized it would have doubled in size, and I couldn’t add it without compromising the details of my experience. And I wanted everyone to realize how lovely Spain was. I think in my entire career I’ve had only two good honest managers. Agents are another breed. I am so sorry to hear about your business is embezzlement. 😞 That stinks!

You can also make white gazpacho soup and eliminate the tomatoes. Most recipes contain almonds, but you can find many different ones online. It’s called Ajo Blanco. It’s lovely too. A beautiful cousin of Gazpacho, and equally refreshing.

I hope you are enjoying an amazing magical weekend! Stay beautiful! ✨💜✨🤗

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Always love waking up on the weekend and reading here! I was excited to see another one of your stories :). Thank you for the info on Ajo Blanco! I'll have to look into it! I'm sure my cousin in Spain knows as she's an amazing cook. Have a peaceful weekend. A weekend to stop and remember. Sending you much love. oxox

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The Ajo Blanco soup has an older history in Spain then the tomatoes-based Gazpacho. Tomatoes were introduced to Spain from the Americas. After the 1500s. Sending you much peace, joy and I love you! Have a magical weekend!

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May 26Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Oh how fascinating! and I love you too 😘✨🙌🏻

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.. but the rain in Spain .. it falls mainly.. in the plain - have heard ? ! Must pull out a map !

Muchos Gracias re the Gazpacho RECIPE Senora ! ! Sadly - have been ‘seeking a repeat’ of that miraculous 1st taste.. ever since my early bartending days ! Alas & woe wuz me - but hey ! Hope Springs Eternal & the recipe you provide surely ‘the cat’s meow.. if you kneow what i mean !


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That happens with Gazpacho soup! There are so many types of it . I agree with you - mine isn’t nearly as good as the one I had that day in Spain at my friends house. His wife made it and shared the recipe with me. So this one is hers. Sometimes you can adjust the taste by just doing things like omitting the garlic. Not every recipe has the garlic added. I’ve left out the cumin before and I must say it does add an extra layer of flavor. You have to play with it and check out different recipes. Thank you so much for reading and commenting and I hope you have an amazing day Thomas! ✨💜✨💜

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I’m with you on this one Charlotte. I’ve been to Spain several times and it’s one of my favorite countries. I enjoyed your post.

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Sending you much love Lois! Isn’t it a beautiful land? I could stay forever! ✨💜✨

Thank you so much for your support and I hope you have an amazing weekend!🤗

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I loved Spain when I visited years ago and very much want to go back to enjoy its chilled and laid back style.

I even caught a magic show that was all in Spanish but didn’t affect my enjoyment at all!

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The people, the food, the wine , song snd magic! Combine that with a relaxed vibe and Spain is an add maxing place to visit or live! Thank you David! I hope you have a beautiful week and stay magical! ✨🤗💜

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May 28Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Thank you for transporting me to the enchanting line Iberia. Another beautiful magical story Charlotte 🤍🤍🤍

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Sending you much love MsA! I love the white hearts! 🤍

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May 27Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Gazpacho is good but Salmorejo is even better, specially if it's from Córdoba. 😋

Great story. 🇪🇦

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Thank you you! They are all good soup! 😍😍😍😍😍

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May 25Liked by Charlotte Pendragon


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Thank you Russell, I’m so glad you liked it! ✨✨✨

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Sounds like a paradise on earth

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Anywhere there is good people, food and culture is paradise. Those are the elements which make Spain one of the most beautiful! Sending you much love Frank! I hope you are staying well and entertaining those nurses with magic! ✨💜🤗

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