Jun 8Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

As I read that, I was thinking of the song ‘Catch a falling star’ which I always liked as a child. It always felt like a message to hold on to a dream.

I’m glad you say ‘caused by Covid mandates’ - rather than ‘caused by Covid’ - so many people don’t make that distinction and it’s an important one. An illness has never taken societal freedom away.

It sounds like you have carved out a new precious phase in your life now with Randy and your animals. How wonderful. You are blessed xx

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I love that enchanting song @Julie Dee - put a star in your pocket and hold on to it. 🌟 Don’t let go of your hopes and dreams. And your dreams don’t come easy. I

I agree, it’s an important distinction to make about Covid. Covid mandates are still negatively impacting lives. That’s so very sad 😞

Thank you Julie for reading and commenting! I’m blessed to have your support. Sending you much 💕🤗💕

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Such a phenomenal ‘Life Story’ .. ! Though I’ve ‘worked the fringes’ around many extraordinary Exemplars as a shooter, editor, director-producer - I can ‘never really know’ the ‘LifeStory.. - the real ‘who they are - or what diverted or impacted them.. You DO take your readers there.. wth a gift for storytelling & haha.. yes ! I see you have ‘flourishes that ‘punctuate your writing as well ! Surely I’m reading ‘Performance Writing .. a hybrid approach that lightly embodies & supports the Discipline, constant Effort, Adaption, Resilience & often Mundane realities of ‘Stardom / Fame / Success ? Tragedy does not get short shrift either .. & how You or We move forward - or not - survive or thrive is included.. Bravo ! A stunning & phenomenal Tale ..

PS - The Covid Pandemic itself was & is - very much like almost All Global Pandemics - crushing indiscriminately in most - but not all ‘Societies’ equally ! Last I looked Elected Governments are awarded ‘Mandates to Govern - even Create, Revise or Dismiss Laws.. Institute ‘Mandates re War (such as Conscription) or Tobacco - Education or Healthcare - & surely most coherent folks regard Smallpox, Rabies or Meningitis as deadly Infections & ‘Distinct from related Actions to ‘ideally limit, moderate or even prevent such Disease ?

That National Governments (ie Elected Political Parties) - (suddenly become Public Servants ?) & now utilize their Embedded Media Departments for their own self serving purposes should hardly be ‘news’ to those here in ‘Substack.. Propaganda is essentially Parasitic by nature.. and I certainly have no problem ‘differentiating Disease from Propaganda in its myriad & evolving Reality !

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Thomas, I’m so happy to read your kind complimentary words about my story. Theater is my life, so I use those little flourishes. Sending you much gratitude. Speaking of small pox. Hey I came across a very well curated article about how 90% of Native Americans didn’t didn’t die from diseases like smallpox and measles which are supposed of been loaded up in blankets and give them to them. Instead they died from the vaccine. Governments have been playing this game for a long time. I stopped playing it along time ago. As a magician I understand deception when I see it because that’s how I make my living.

Thank you so much again! And I hope you enjoy a beautiful weekend!✨💜✨

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I didn't know that! I really thought that Native Americans died due to diseases loaded up in blankets given to them. Were they forced to have the jabs then? Had no idea. Thanks Charlotte. XO

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Demi Pietchell write about it in one of her lives in her The StarFire Codes publication

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Jun 8Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

I love this beautiful story on so many levels. I bet you make a lot of people smile with your magic. I also bet you love to do it. Life is so hard sometimes. Thank you for sharing your powerful magic with the rest of us.

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Aww… thank you! Your kind words are encouraging and I greatly appreciate them. I think the best thing about performing magic is. experiencing the audience response. It feels so good to create a fantasy can melt into and just suspend the challenges of life for awhile.

I hope you enjoy a magical weekend, Kristin ✨✨💖✨✨

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Jun 8Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Thanks again for being our encouragement. About 'hearing "No" 90% of the time', some of us have heard "No" 99.95%. I will admit I have not been the best at self promoting since I have been learning & performing Illusions. For us, we have to welcome the "0.05%" chances we do receive then do the best we can. You have been so wonderful & I have more respect (always and now) for you. Thanks! Trust God and You're Loved!

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@prof b a Lipp sending you much love and gratitude! I thank you so very much for taking the time to read my post and yes you are probably about right expect about 0 0.05% success rate. But that little bit is huge. And that’s what matters. I hope you are enjoying an amazing magical weekend!!

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Sharing is caring. Thanks so much for publishing this poignant and inspirational portrait.

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Sending you much gratitude Lew! Thank you so much! Bless you! ✨💖✨

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Jun 9Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Oh Charlotte, I’m touched. ❤️❤️❤️

A falling star in the velvet sky,

A fleeting wish as it races by,

A trail of magic, a shimmering light,

Guiding dreams through the darkest night,

A cosmic dancer, graceful and free,

Whispers secrets to you and me.

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Beautiful, just beautiful MsA. 🤗💜 Thank you for this amazing poetic gift. Your words are perfect for dreaming ✨✨💖✨✨

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Jun 16Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Of course, you deserve beautiful words. 🥰

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Thank you ☺️

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Jun 27Liked by Charlotte Pendragon


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Backatcha! ❤️❤️❤️

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Jun 8Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

You are an inspiration and a beautiful soul. I enjoyed your writing and Randy’s music so much today, thank you for sharing your Father’s words and how they’ve carried you through and help you achieve your dreams.

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Thanking you so much @Jenn im so happy inside knowing it resonates with you. We can’t give up on our dreams. It’s hard work and sacrifice, but it takes us where we want to go. Have a beautiful weekend! And thank you again!✨🤗💜✨

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You are welcome! ❤️

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Jun 8Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

I loved reading this Charlotte! So many memories and so much magic packed into one essay. Your dad was one wise gentleman 🌟✨

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Sending you much love and gratitude @Trudi Nicola I was fortunate and very blessed to have had a wonderful dad! God bless you and enjoy a fabulous weekend!✨💖✨💖✨

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Jun 8Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Lovely garden in bucolic setting!

Gidget may indeed be your spirit animal (https://www.spirit-animals.com/poodle-symbolism/#h-poodle-totem-spirit-animal)

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Thank you Russell! 🤗Maybe so about the poodle. Who knows? 🤷‍♀️

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Jun 8Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Beautiful story. I’m so glad that you reunited with Randy and are building a business in such a beautiful place. My husband and I grew up together as well and were reunited through Highschoolalumni.com which turned into Classmates!

Love the music. I’m looking forward to seeing your shows. 💕

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Sending you so much gratitude Alison! Thank you! I did not know classmates was first named Highschoolalumni! Our stories matcch, and I'm thrilled you enjoyed the music! 🎶 🤗💜

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Well worth restacking, thank you!

Do you mean Playa del Carmen with Carmen del Playa?

While I was reading this I saw you performing at Chitchen Itza during a solstice with my inner eye. And I can’t stop thinking about it. I see you somehow connected there, a magic place like Mount Shasta in California.

And this thought grows while I am writing.

Your flower beds are adorable and your animals too.

Thank you for the insights.

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Wow! Maybe you are having vision for me! I'm fascinated Klaus! Thank you! It was generally called just Playa.

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Yes, I’m well aware of both places! I hope you visit these fabulous places some day! 🤗💜

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The video shows me in front of Castillo. 😉

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Jun 8Liked by Charlotte Pendragon


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Thank you Cathy! Sending you my love! 💖✨💖

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Jun 8Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Funny, I started writing my own piece about following dreams this morning, and here this wonderful telling of your story in relation to this idea comes to me. Great stuff, thanks for sharing!

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Tom, I love when serendipitous moments like these brings our lives together! I can’t wait to read your story when it’s published! 📚💜✨

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Jun 8Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Me too, definitely a sign that we need to be exploring these topics. I'll be sure to let you know when my piece is out!

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Yes! Absolutely please tag me if you want Tom! ✨✨💖✨✨

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Jun 8Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

I love the wrap around green screen space!

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Thank you, its a great space Mark! And a good size!

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This is such a wonderful.story; you had hardship and danger, met your childhood sweetheart, Randy; moved back to near where you grew up and, voila, now you are making magic, pulling rabbits our of hats. And you have your own green room and production studio. Twinkle, twinkle little star, is a song part of my childhood, too. Your father gave you such a wonderful gift. Thank you for sharing your story, Charlotte. It is inspiring. 🕊🦜

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Thank you so much my friend Perry! I greatly appreciate your support by reading and commenting and also sharing my post. Sending you very much sparkling and twinkling magical love! ✨💖✨

Wishing for you an amazing beautiful summer weekend!🤗✨

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Thank you, Charlotte and I wish you an enjoyable and beautiful day.

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Thank you! ✨🤗💜

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Oh, Charlotte! What a post you've written. I'd been waiting to read the rest of your story after the post-Jonathan period and with this, i can say i don't need to wait anymore. Because my grandparents and parents used to spend their childhood in the nature (my grandparents are originally from Sivand, a village near Shiraz, my hometown), i've got this "love for nature" bug from them (one of my dreams is to live in a natural environment).

And about music, i can say it has been a part of my life since my birth. My parents used to sing lullabies to my brothers and i and also, my mom has a melodic and calming voice (her voice isn't as volumous as my dad's voice, mine, and my brothers', though. Because my voice is volumous, one of my long-term goals is to join a choir).

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Thank you so much Negar! And, I can’t thank you enough so sending you much love! I greatly appreciate your support. I would love to hear you sing? I cannot sing although I wish I could so I could sing some of Randy‘s wonderful songs.

Along with your art, you are an amazing talent! Stay beautiful and magical! Bless you! ✨💜✨🤗✨💜✨

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Jun 8Liked by Charlotte Pendragon

Aw, Charlotte. You're very kind.

Very good idea. I'll try to pick a song i can sing and send you the voice recording. Just excuse my untrained singing in advance. Have you ever thought about going to solfege classes?

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Thank you, and I have a friend who teaches classes. She’s about 2 hours away. I honestly don’t have the time, otherwise I consider doing so! I wish we enjoyed 8 day weeks!

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Oh, thanks for your explanation. At first, yes you need to find time to do sth new (finding time to paint was my issue when i had just started painting years ago). However, when you get used to sth and become passionate about sth, it becomes easier to pursue it. 8 day weeks?? That would be a greeeaaattt idea😉😂

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Intriguing Negar! Thank you for the suggestion and I will definitely look into it! I am so happy to hear your art is coming along and I will hope to follow you and your music pursuits.

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I am so sorry to hear about how it went for Randy's Dad and your sweet brother. I loved the pictures of your place and all your animal friends and that last shot of you is so cute. That picture of your and Randy is adorable too. You guys are so sweet together :)

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