Walking Alone
Oh, magical compass, lead me through the dark, point me to my dreams, ignite my inner spark.

Oh, magical compass, lead me through the dark,
Point me to my dreams, ignite my inner spark. with every twist and turn, I’m following my heart, In this journey of life, it’s just the start.
So I’ll dance through the shadows, with hope as my guide, with my magical compass, I’m ready for the ride.
I shared this post below last winter, and recent events have caused me to revisit this theme. It’s the Big Bad Wolf who portrays the antagonist but also plays the unexpected role of guiding Little Red Riding Hood toward independence and self-reliance by teaching her the importance of walking alone, facing her fears, and trusting her instincts to navigate the world despite perceptions of danger. I didn’t know it at the time, but the threatening experiences I encountered in life offered wisdom and empowerment. Facing my fears was challenging, but my angst was transformed into strength and confidence. The wolf represents those obstacles I encountered, and my compass was my guide.
I wondered what the stars back in 2007 had to say about my future when, in 2008 and 2009, tragedy hit my life like a 10.0 earthquake. My brother tragically passed away, and I went through a tumultuous divorce with my then-husband and stage partner, which ended with ruined careers and losing homes, family, and friends, including pets. It was a rough time, but later, after I had distanced myself from those events, I realized it was a bad storm I had to endure on my path to finding genuine authenticity. The solitude I embraced allowed me to process my thoughts and feelings and better understand my desires, values, and beliefs. My strength was tested a few weeks ago when an old bully from my past appeared, reminding me of those events. It shook me a bit like a lousy aftershock, but I stood still, held my ground, and realized the true meaning of not being afraid to walk alone and keeping my compass focused on my path.
Shared from January 22, 2024:
Walking alone symbolizes a fresh start and a journey of self-discovery. It can begin a new chapter in your life, filled with growth, healing, and personal development possibilities.
Remember, taking care of yourself emotionally and physically during this challenging period is essential. If needed, seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist can also be beneficial in navigating the aftermath of a tumultuous marriage and divorce.
Just as a compass leads us to the magnetic north, we all have internal compasses guiding our direction and pointing to our destination. Our internal compass helps us navigate life through all the mountains and valleys, keeping our path straight as we move towards our intended goal and true north. It’s our guide leading us and keeping us on our route to becoming the best person we can be. Each of us has a compass unique to us. No two are the same, and it represents our inner self.
There is a magical quality about compasses going back to ancient times when Japanese and Chinese sailors used them as good luck Talismans, believing they would help them avoid frightening meetings with sea serpents and monsters, guaranteeing a safe return home. If you don’t want to encounter scary creatures on life’s journey, there are a few measures you can take to avoid getting off your track. First of all, focus on your passions, then establish goals. Find a career you will enjoy, and set goals to make that happen. Maybe you have to go back to school or take specialized courses. For example, if you love to bake, determine the steps you need to take to achieve your destiny. Appreciating your job drives you to push harder and improve, so start with the things that have meaning to you when looking for vocational opportunities. Simultaneously, you want to care for your body with proper nutrition, eating habits, and exercise. Likewise, don't forget about your spiritual, emotional, and mental health. Surround yourself with good friends who care about you, and don't be afraid to take risks. Fine-tune your intuition and follow it. Stop destructive behavior that can destroy your destiny and hard work. Become responsible and own your choices and decisions.
No one is more important than you; you can't love someone else if you don't like yourself. Sometimes, our low self-esteem pulls us down. Dismiss that inner negative talk and believe in yourself. Only you determine the life you want to live. Above all, don't forget to take along your inner compass so that when you are alone, you can move toward your future without the fear of running into the boogie man, who is given way too much acclaim for scariness than he deserves. Don't forget to laugh; life is meant to be enjoyed.
Have a safe and fulfilling journey!
Beautiful words of encouragement Charlotte. A magic compass. I love this! ❤️
My dear friend….although you are definitely strong enough and courageous enough to walk alone, I can assure you that as long as we have breath left in our bodies, we will always walk by your side! Your kind and gentle spirit lights the way thru any dark path. You are truly a magical representative for resilience and positivity. ♥️♥️♥️